Your therapist and coach in Sweden

Hi! I am Alba Reverte

Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coaching Federation and CBT Therapist specialized in expatriate life, relationships, mental fitness and career counselling.

Hi, my name is Alba Reverte and I am from Vilafranca del Penedes, a wine region in the outskirts of Barcelona (Spain) where I grew up and lived until I moved to Stockholm (Sweden) after meeting my Norwegian husband-to-be in Barcelona in 2003.

Together with our three children, we have lived in Sweden, United Kingdom and Belgium before settling back again in Sweden in 2013.

I have experienced first hand what means to live away from home, have a partner with a different cultural background as well as give birth and raise three children in a foreign country.

Not to mention making several career transitions such as from being a lawyer to becoming full-time stay-at-home mum while running an online small business, going back to work as legal consultant and transitioning to internal audit and management consulting.

Experiences that sometimes were really difficult and that I had to deal with, with little or no support.

Terms like cultural shock, the “honey moon period”, relocation, identity issues, overwhelm and exhaustion became part of my life and it took many years, effort and a good deal of resilience and patience to make my expatriate experiences more manageable and enjoyable.

During all these years living overseas, I also met A LOT of newcomers and more seasoned expats experiencing similar situations, challenges and conflicts.

Soon I realize that I was coaching and teaching to my fellow expats what I learnt as well as I was helping them to regain focus and clarity about what was important and meaningful in their lives.

I started feeling in my heart and soul that I REALLY wanted to focus on helping fellow expats to take their expat experience to the next level. To help them move from stress, conflict and overwhelm to joy, happiness and personal growth.

So in 2019 I got certified as a professional coach and I transitioned from being an internal auditor and management consultant to become full-time expat coach to later on becoming also a certified therapist (samtalsterapeut) specialized in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Transaction Analysis (TA) and Mental Fitness.

Alba Reverte therapy and coaching
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Another important turning point in my journey happened when in July 2020, while working as a professional expat coach, I was selected among thousands of coaches to participate in Shirzad Chamine´s Positive Intelligence® program for coaches with the vision to be part of a Mental Fitness revolution that Shirzad ignited at the beginning of the pandemic.

In a nutshell, Positive intelligence® is the science and practice of developing mastery over our own mind so we become mentally fit to reach our full potential for both happiness and success. What determines our level of mental fitness is the percentage of time our mind is serving us as opposed to sabotaging us.

Shirzad, founder of Positive Intelligence® framework, a CEO himself and Stanford lecturer, applied the program to us coaches as the only way to experience its true transformational power.

And it really worked. I was blown away by the profound, impactful and lasting change I experienced in myself.

After finishing my training, I was offered the opportunity to partner with Shirzad as a Positive Intelligence® Coach Pioneer and I accepted without hesitation.

So now, alongside my work as a coach and therapist for fellow expats, I am now on a mission to facilitate the Positive Intelligence® program to individuals and organizations to boost Mental Fitness and create positive change that lasts.

Do you want to know more about how can I support your expatriate experience and help you unlock your potential?

 My credentials

  • Certified Professional Coach - Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) by the International Coaching Federation

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential by the International Coaching Federation

  • Certified Teams and Groups Coach by the International Coaching Federation

  • Certified Relationship Coach by the International Coaching Federation

  • Positive Intelligence® Coach Pioneer

  • Certified Therapist (Samtalsterapeut) specialization CBT, TA and Mental Fitness

  • Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) by University of Barcelona (Spain)

  • Solicitor of England and Wales (non-practising)

  • Masters in Marketing Management by ESERP Business School (Spain)

  •  As a certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) I abide by ICF´s strict code of ethics, conduct and confidentiality.

  • Registered at Skatteverket for F-skatt and VAT